Dana Conroy

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Dana Conroy

Dana Conroy's Camino de Santiago 2014

I’m asking my friends and family to help me as I set out on what’s sure to be an enlightening journey along Spain’s ancient pilgrim’s path, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, for Walkabout Foundation.

Five years ago, my friend Carolina Gonzalez-Bunster and her brother, Luis, started Walkabout after Luis was unable to get into their local YMCA in Connecticut which had no ramp or elevator. Luis had suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident when he was 18 years old which left him paralyzed from the chest down. Together, the pair took action and started Walkabout Foundation to promote awareness of paralysis and disabilities, and raise money for wheelchairs for those who couldn’t afford them. Luis and Carolina launched the foundation with a 500 mile walk along the Camino, and Luis became the first person in the history of Spain to cross the entire country using only the strength of his two arms.

I’ll be joining Walkabout to celebrate the five year anniversary of its start with another trek along the Camino. I’d love your support on The Way, as it’s known, . $300 buys one wheelchair for someone who otherwise wouldn’t have one. Help me make a difference.

Raised £6,428.03 $8,420.72

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That's 26 life-changing wheelchair(s)!
Campaign has ended