Jeroen Dams

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Jeroen Dams

Jeroen Dams's 800 Kilometer tour through Spain

In the summer of 2013 I have walked the Camino de Santiago through the Northern of Spain. It was a love at first sight and in 2015 and 2016 I walked this amazing route again. Last time an idea rose in my mind to do something in return and try to help other people. Not long after I formed a group of extraordinary people to do an extraordinary challenge. We will bike and walk the Camino de Santiago in 14 days, from the Pyrenees till the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. After some research me and this group of very close friends got in touch with the Walkabout foundation and the vision they have. This is one part of my reason for doing this challenge. On the other hand I hope to inspire people to do great things themselves. At an earlier age and all the time of growing up I wasn’t the typical sportive type and sporting was a struggle for me. For the challenge I set an enormous and almost unbelievable goal for myself. My message will be, as i hope, that if i can make this impossible thing possible, anybody can make their dreams possible!

Raised £700.03 $917.04

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That's 3 life-changing wheelchair(s)!
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