Walkabout Arrives in Argentina!

In Argentina, there are approximately 5 million people with disabilities, with 91% of the disabled population being unemployed. For many of the people we serve, receiving a wheelchair means that they can finally return to work with their new mobility and provide for their families. 

In December 2021, thanks to our generous donors, we finally returned to Argentina, a country close to our hearts, to distribute 300 wheelchairs together with our local partners, Centro de Inclusión Libre y Solidario de Argentina (CILSA) and Fundación Banco de la Nación Argentina (FBNA). So far, our partners have distributed 50 wheelchairs, and we look forward to distributing the rest in the coming months!

The need in the country is still incredibly high, and we need your help now more than ever. For just £250 ($300) you can change someone’s life. Click the button below to give the gift of mobility to someone in need. 100% of your donation will go directly towards our wheelchair projects.