Christmas 2018: Walkabout & Chamos Charity 4 Children in Venezuela
A Walkabout Foundation Campaign
Christmas 2018: Walkabout & Chamos Charity 4 Children in Venezuela

This Christmas, help us send our first ever container of paediatric wheelchairs to Venezuela. In a country where the IMF expects inflation to reach 1,000,000% and massive food and medical shortages have brought almost 90% of the population into living below the poverty line, children with disabilities are the most vulnerable and under-served. For this very special initiative we have partnered up with Chamos, a London based charity, who over the last 10 years has focused on improving the lives of thousands of children in Venezuela.
Latest Donations
Anonymous £100.00
In lieu of a birthday gift for Cherine A
Arielle Rausin $3,320.00
Anonymous £100.00
Because we have to share what and whenever we can
Anonymous £20.00
What a great feeling being able to give back!
Feodora van Holk £250.00
First ever Christmas gift
Lambert van Holk £250.00
First ever Christmas gift
Makram Abboud £5,000.00
Alicia Forry £40.00
Chamos Charity £5,000.00
On behalf of Chamos Charity, thank you for your support to the children in Venezuela. This campaign is amazing and we appreciate your efforts very much.
Mrs Olivia Harrison and The Material World Foundation £5,000.00
Sara Hager $100.00
Clara Martinez Thedy $500.00
Just a little Christmas contribution
Jose Linares £100.00
Silvia Bruttini £500.00
Christina Weyl $50.00
This is amazing, Carolina! Congrats on another worthy endeavor.
Anonymous £3,044.89
Patricia Oteyza £30.00
Adriana & Gustavo Gabaldon $500.00
Great cause for a country that needs so much. Muchísima suerte!
Clara Martínez Thedy £500.00
Adriana Gabaldon £250.00
Anonymous $250.00
Lashyn Uralbayeva $30.00
Anonymous $250.00
Adriana Romero $20.00
Dinorah Alcock $100.00
Corina Ulivi $50.00
Eugenia Villanueva $100.00
Isabella Gabaldon £250.00
Andres Azpurua $100.00
Erika Mendoza $25.00
Mariana Gallegos $25.00
Ariadna Navarro $100.00
Alejandra Coll £150.00
Amazing effort to help the children in Venezuela! Thank you!!!
Cristina Peña de Mendoza $250.00
Lulu Dillon £50.00
Nicolien Muntendam £250.00
Mariana Siblesz de Alvarez $250.00
Amazing campaign! So many children will benefit from this wonderful initiative.
Raised £25,480.31 $33,379.21
switch currency
£ 50,000.00
$ 65,500.00
That's 102 life-changing wheelchair(s)!