Domenico’s London Marathon 2022

A Domenico Gonzalez Rossi Campaign, in support of
Domenico Gonzalez Rossi

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Domenico Gonzalez Rossi

Domenico's London Marathon 2022

Dear friends and family,

In 2022, I will be completing the London Marathon in honour of Walkabout Foundation! My goal is to raise $4,000 (£3,000) – the equivalent of 12 life-changing wheelchairs for people in need in the developing world.

I invite you to support me in reaching my target, and support Walkabout’s mission to change the world of mobility disabilities – one person, one wheelchair at a time. Every dollar, euro or pound you give will go towards providing someone in need with the gift of mobility.

Thank you and best wishes,


Latest Donations

Clara Martínez Thedy £400.00
Bravo Domenico!!
Anonymous $30.00
Cristina Beniog $50.00
Congrats & bonne course!
Karl Pardaens £100.00
Bon courage et bravo
Ana Bramao £500.00
Katia Panichi $500.00
Super ce que tu fais Domenico!!!!
Patricio Castillo $100.00
Venga Dome!!
Elena Gonzalez Rossi $100.00
I’m so proud of you! Te quiero!
Allan Stierle £10.00
venga Dome!
Amaury Grevesse-Sovet $25.00
Vamos senor ! Make us proud ! 🏆🥇
Mayra Hernandez Gonzalez $800.00
Your dedication is an inspiration! I am so proud of you!
Julian Uribe $25.00
Jorge García De Presno £30.00
Abrazo Dom! Con todo.
Larry Eden $50.00
Enrique Bojanic $20.00
Sebastian Garcia-Lopez $25.00
Que chingon mi Dome! Exito!
Bruno de Polignac $25.00
Roberto Colliard $50.00
Eduardo Cader $20.00
Sofia Celasco $50.00
Que orgullo Dome!!
Maria Burquez $50.00
Jan Jetter $50.00
Estefania Sansores $50.00
Paola Fuentes $25.00
Ferrán Mallol $50.00
Ligia Vazquez $25.00
Alejandro Ruenes $25.00
Venga Dome!
JuanPablo Vargas $20.00
Venga Domee!!
Andres Ayon $50.00
Frederik Waller $10.00
Go Domenico!!! Enjoy London 🏃‍♂️ 🇬🇧 And thanks for raising funds 👏
Pauls Messina de Prida $100.00
Adelante DOMENICO , gracias por hacernos pensar en los demás con nuestras buenas acciones!
Cristobal Carral $20.00
Clara Martínez Thedy £500.00
Well done Domenico and good luck in your race!!!
Diego Gonzalez Rossi $100.00
Maresa Vaitl $30.00
Best of luck for the preparation!!
Anonymous $25.00
Pablo González Rossi $100.00
Mark Hagerstrom $100.00

Raised £3,601.07 $4,717.40

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That's 14 life-changing wheelchair(s)!