Luis’ Birthday Campaign!
A Luis Gonzalez-Bunster Campaign, in support of Walkabout
Luis' Birthday Campaign!

Walkabout is so excited to celebrate our co-founder Luis’ birthday on Tuesday, the 29th of September!
As September marks Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, we’re asking you to celebrate Luis’ birthday with us by making a donation in his honour and helping us get one step closer to finding a cure for paralysis!
In order for Walkabout to continue funding The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s study: Boosting Spinal Cord Plasticity in Humans with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury we need to raise $55,000!
Help us reach this goal today!
Latest Donations
Anonymous $100.00
I believe this is a great initiative.
Nicholas Miron $20.00
Pepe Fanjul Jr. $2,000.00
Happy Birthday Luis, and thank you for all your good work.
Luz Agrest $100.00
Deirdre Carr $50.00
Happy, happy birthday, Luis!
David Neff $100.00
Zach Baraf $250.00
Happy Birthday Luis!
Tyler Tinsworth £35.00
Happy Birthday Luis!
You are amazing. In deepest respect
Matias Gonzalez-Bunster $100.00
Happy birthday to best big brother ever
Lillian fernandez $100.00
Happy Birthday- Love Luis, Lillian, Luis, Alfy and Rosie Fernandez
Patricia Lonardo £100.00
I am most impressed with Luis and his family.
marisa brown $100.00
bec i LOVE luis!!! and the GB fam! 🙂
Adriana Gabaldon $500.00
Felicidades Luis por tu cumpleaños y que sean muchísimos más! Bellísima labor.
David Haug $7,500.00
Inspired by the eloquent, candid, and nuanced personal message Luis sent out last week about overcoming severe challenges
Anonymous $4,500.00
Muy querido Luis,
Chris, Margaret y Zani, me “designaron” como mensajera...
Quiero que sepas, que estás siempre en nuestros corazónes: admiramos el coraje y valentía con los que afrontas los retos, siendo inspiración y ejemplo no solo para los que tenemos el privilegIo de conocerte, Si no para tantos que esperan ese rayo de luz y resultados increíbles de los estudios de la Dra Pérez! Felicitamos tu determinación en lograr tu meta.
Felicidades Luis,
Happy Birthday from the Gugelmann’s
David Haug $7,500.00
Jose Baez Guerrero $2,000.00
Rodrigo de Santiago £50.00
Happy Birthday Luis! Big kiss to Carolina, so proud of you guys!!
Ana Grande $100.00
Happy Birthday, Luis! 🥳
Pilar Boxford £100.00
Happy birthday Luis. You have such courage and determination. Continue what you are doing. You are giving hope to so many people who need it.
John Rubin $75.00
Cross my fingers this works
Clara Martinez Thedy £400.00
Alfonso Fernandez $100.00
Happy Birthday Luis!
Isabel Zervos Lesueur £150.00
Mari Blanes $250.00
Hans and Marie Hertell $1,000.00
Marie and I have been blessed with the friendship of your family which has a special place in our hearts and lives. Your writing about your struggles, pain and challenges have moved us deeply. We love you, Luis, you are an inspiration to us all!
Gianna Greene £118.00
James P. McCarron Jr. $1,000.00
Jenny Simpson £300.00
Michael Hines $150.00
Ligia Reid $500.00
For the cure...
Dina De Luca Chartouni $1,000.00
I have known Luis since he was born and am continually inspired by his strength and courage!
Marlies Furby £250.00
Wonderful foundation!
Monica González Bunster £5,000.00
My beloved son Luis, I love you with all my heart and my soul. You are a true inspiration to all!. I am so proud and honored to be your mother, and I truly know how much you have suffered, and how difficult these past years have been for you; but, I am confident that there is a bigger plan in the universe for you, and that this is only the beginning.
Thank you for helping us understand the immensity and the proportion of difficulties and pain in the life of people with mobility disabilities and for bringing awareness to this amazing cause.
May God bless you today, tomorrow and always mi Luigi aforado, as well as all those in need around the world.
I love you so much!
Andres Bobadilla $5,000.00
Robert Koshar $180.00
I was moved by Luis's writing about his struggle.
Sarah Hylton Abbot $50.00
Raised £32,705.29 $42,843.93
switch currency
£ 42,000.00
$ 55,020.00
That's 131 life-changing wheelchair(s)!