Active Events Walkabout
Active Events

L’Oréal East Africa & Walkabout Foundation

Walkabout Foundation is excited to announce a special partnership with L’Oréal East Africa to support our mission of restoring mobility and creating possibilities for people in need, as a part of L’Oréal Citizen Day Programme.


About Walkabout Foundation

Walkabout Foundation is a non-profit that restores dignity, freedom and independence by providing wheelchairs and rehabilitation in the developing world and funding research to find a cure for paralysis.


About L’Oréal Citizen Day

Since its inception in 2009, Citizen Day has been L’Oréal’s flagship event dedicated to making a real impact on social and environmental causes. Citizen Day is more than just a day of volunteering—it’s a unique chance to share values of solidarity through key focus areas such as social inclusion and fighting against discrimination, mental health, well-being, mobility, and protection of the environment.


About the Event

Together, we will host a sports day on August 9th in Nairobi, inviting our Kenya team, L’Oréal employees and Friends of L’Oréal. This event will be wheelchair-friendly and will include our Nanyuki sitting volleyball team, embodying our belief that “it’s not just mobility, it’s possibility”.

Please note that this event is invitation only.

San Diego Mobility Foundation For Walkabout


We are the San Diego Mobility Foundation, a group of high schoolers from San Diego who are passionate about helping others.

Currently, we are working with Walkabout Foundation, with the goal of raising $5,000 for a wheelchair repairs project in Venezuela. Some of our members are from Venezuela, and know just how difficult it is to get medical related products while living there. The lack of accessibility to essential medical equipment, like wheelchair equipment, can be a daunting and distressing experience for those affected.

So, in honour of the less-fortunate, it would mean so much if you could donate any amount of money to this campaign! Every single donation makes a difference.

Thank you!

Pavlos’ Christening in support of Walkabout!

Dear friends & family,

We are so excited to welcome you in Milan in a couple weeks’ time to celebrate our little Pavlos!
Your presence at the christening is a gift in itself, however if you wish to buy a present for Pavlos, we invite you to change someone else’s life instead.
Walkabout Foundation in on a mission to provide wheelchairs to those who can’t afford them, thereby restoring their dignity, freedom and independence while also funding research to find a cure for paralysis.
We hope you join us in supporting this great cause and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We can’t wait to see you all soon!
Lots of love,
Dimitris, Evi, Christos and Pavlos

Wetherby Kensington’s Spring Fair Contribution Pot!

On March 18th, 2022, Wetherby Kensington will host its first-ever Spring Fair to raise money for Walkabout Foundation!

With just 3 short weeks to go, we ask you to please give a £45 contribution from each child to cover all of the supplies, decorations and entertainers for the day. This contribution includes a £20 entrance card that can be used around the school to take part in the different activities. When making your payment, please kindly ensure to write your child’s name and class in the donor comment. If you have more than one child at Wetherby, please write all of their names and classes and pay for all children.

We ask you all to please make this contribution by Friday, March 4th, after which this page will close at 12:00pm.

Thank you for visiting our page and supporting us!

Click here to visit Wetherby Kensington’s website.

Walkabout’s Virtual Cook-Along!

Wednesday, April 7th 5:30 pm BST (12:30 pm EST)

Get your aprons, cooking hats and rolling pins ready and gather your budding chefs to the kitchen! Walkabout Foundation is hosting its first-ever virtual Pizza Cook-Along with our co-founder, Carolina. Get ready to turn up the heat, as this is the perfect chance to cook a delicious pizza dinner (or lunch) as a family and eat up for a good cause!

To sign up, simply donate a minimum of £20 (or $30) by clicking on the button on the right and you will receive a Zoom link and the list of ingredients.

100% of your donation will go 100% to our programs.

Miss Daisy’s Nursery fundraising for Walkabout

Wheelchairs from Wetherby

Xavier Family trek: Caminho da Fe, Brazil

“You are totally crazy!” was the common responses we received when we announced to our friends and family that we are intending to complete The Caminho da Fe, a 317km mountain trek in Brazil by foot and mountain bike … including the ENTIRE Xavier family. Well, we like “crazy”, so we went ahead and started planning, taking into account realistic goals for Victoria (4), Helena (6), Bia (7) and Max (9).

Why are we doing this?

Our kids have been keen supporters of this year’s school charity Walkabout Foundation and they wanted to come up with ways to help them. Being active kids themselves, they love the idea of bringing mobility to those in need and thus giving them freedom to explore the surrounding without having to depend on others. As a family, we have always encouraged them to get outdoors, explore forest, build dens, dig for worms, play in the mud, you name it. We dragged them along surfing, rock climbing, abseiling, cycling tours (and para-gliding is also in the pipeline). In a nutshell, we love nature, outdoor adventures and we want to expose the kids as much as we can, especially as we are living in an urban city.

So, we put the two together and we decided to follow Walkabout’s motto and “Walk for those who can’t walk”.

Trek background

O Caminho da Fé, or The Walk of Faith, is a 317 km and over 8000m of climbing pilgrimage trail to the Cathedral Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida, the world’s second largest church after the Vatican. O Caminho da Fé was inspired by the famous Camino de Santiago in Spain and although its distance is shorter, its mountains are much steeper and harder to trek. Caminho da Fe passes through the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo along back roads, trails, asphalt and forest.

 Why did we choose this trek?

The official start of the trek is in a rural village called Aguas da Prata, a small town on the border of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais which has been holiday home to Ricardo’s family for 3 generations. Ricardo, his brother, cousins and I have been obsessively mountain biking a variety of trails and know the area very well. It has some tough climbs and terrain, but you are rewarded by breath-taking views across the Mantiqueira Mountains.

 What are our goals?

We have planned to complete the 317km in 10 days. 


TOTAL 317km




317 km

200 km

117 km


317 km

200 km

117 km


100 km

17 km

83 km


70 km

10 km

60 km


60 km

10 km

50 km


40 km


40 km

 This means, we are aiming to complete a minimum total of 894km as a family!

Please join us on this challenge by helping us raising funds for Walkabout Foundation. It would mean a lot to us, if you would support the charity with £ and we would also welcome psychological support for us (the parents!) with encouraging words as we are not only training hard physically to complete the trek, but also mentally preparing ourselves for MANY tantrums lying ahead of us.

You can follow our journey on our blog, and IG (

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Donate to rehabilitation